Creating the perfect solution for newsletters

Email is here to stay, so why not create new tools to better serve company communications? That is the question...

Bulletin started after I was fed up with using CRM and Marketing email tools for ongoing, content-oriented newsletters. You can only force a square peg into a round hole so many times before, well, you start a company! So that's what I did. As you know, the traditional email marketing tool can be hacked to some extent for some use, and other internal communication tools are just too expensive and put a lot of fanfare into designing the email without doing much else to help you get work done. That's where Bulletin comes in. A versatile email platform, that allows easy creation, communication, and email management, while being super affordable! 

We pride ourselves in wanting to create software where the user experience is the center of our product. We are constantly looking for feedback, to improve things and make our platform somewhere where frustration doesn't exist! And the reason why is that we have tried using too many platforms that are so rigid and not intuitive that we just gave up on them! Another thing we are very attached to is creating affordable software. We think company email communication platforms have a use but are simply too expensive for many companies. And we want to help communicators everywhere make better emails in less time while spending less money.

We are always happy to talk! Whether you are an organization, startup, or individual we would be happy to chat with you! Just email us at

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